A downloadable game

Game Developed in 2013 for the minigame competition on MFGG. This minigame is part of a large-scope work-in-progress fangame Mario and Donkey Kong's Lost Island, that was in development the same year.


Watch out Mario! You must let this Star survive!

A special star out in space must survive or Mario will not be able to come home from this dreadful, lost island. The star is being attacked by asteroids, and it is up to Mario to fire lasers from a cannon that is set up. The star must successfully land on 16 different blue stars to complete its mission. Mario shouldn't shoot too many lasers, or the cannon will overheat. However, he shouldn't be too worried, there are green stars that will give the Star health when fired at! Also, if you, the player, holds left click you will be able to charge your laser. Good luck Mario!


Left click - Shoot lasers

Hold left click - Charge laser


Star - Travel to different blue stars to complete the mission.

Mario - Percision aimer.

Cannon - Fires laser blasts.

Asteroid - Shoot these before they hit the Star!

Green star - shoot these to gain up to seven health.


Programming - Morrad1991

Spries - Morrad1991

Alex.Neumann12 - aquire life sound, new life sound, asteroid create sound, out of power sound, charge cannon sound, power start sound, happy destroy sound, start yell

Hohoo - start game sound

The Trasher - lose game sound, laser sound,win game sound, move cannon sound, destroy sound

GRonnoc (VGmusic) - Battlerock galaxy music


StarSurvive!.exe 3.4 MB

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